Thyroid bx. results and a walk to the park~

Yesterday was a tough day.  My anxiety level was a 9 out of 10.  
The results of my thyroid bx. were to be given to me at my
doc. appt. and I had a hard time calming my nerves.
I did however, manage to take this little one on a walk
to the park to swing and to look at the dandelions.

She studied every bit of the flower.
She saw it with fresh eyes.
She felt the peddles and the stem.

With no care in the world, the flower became her magical flower, until she
tried to eat it, then grammy had to take it away.

The crabapple trees are in full bloom at the park.

My favorite shade of pink.  

She also played in the backyard.  Such a happy baby.
Loves to explore!!!

My results were negative.  I will need the left side of my thyroid
out because the mass is the size of a tennis ball.
I would rather have it out than to see it continue to grow.
Thank you god for being with me and protecting me.
The anxiety was not needed, but try telling my body and mind that.



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