Cinderella ~

I found Kinsley a couple of princess dresses at the thrift store
on Saturday.
She is really into wearing princess dresses.
We went to her first little soccer game in the morning.
She really did pretty well for only her first time playing.

Here she is in her Cinderella dress.
Such a sweet little girl.
I love her to pieces!

She was so funny posing her feet.
One went one way and the other foot went a different way.

Hannah did her hair so it looked like Cinderella.

And because Cinderella wore gloves, she needed her gloves on too.

She put her shoes inside my slippers.
Such a crazy, fun little girl.

Kent made the kids grilled ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch.
They stayed and watched part of the CU/Nebraska game.
Nebraska won, big time.



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