Friday the 13th~

On Friday, I made Walkie and Kinsley French toast and scrambled eggs.
They were a hit for both of them.

Walkie is doing such a great job at feeding himself.
I just love watching this little one eat and play and just be himself.

Here he is sitting on the living room floor playing all by himself.
He does such a great job entertaining himself with toys.

Oh Walkie, you make me smile with your silly smile.

This is my garden spider.  I will leave it alone until I have to 
cut my tomatoes down.
He's lived there all summer.

This is the ouchie on my head that came back positive for
squamous cell cancer.
I will make an appointment with a dermatologist and get it
cut out with clean margins,

I started on a new medication for my dystonia and I am praying I
get some relief soon because this is exhausting.



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