September and growth~

Every season is one of becoming,
but not always one of blooming.
Be gracious with your ever-evolving self.
There are difficult times that strengthen us, there are quiet times that calm us, there are joyous times that renew us. There is planning and growing and falling and learning. All of these times, these stages, these seasons are so so necessary for you to be who you are and want to be.
We visited mom and dad and the babies on Tuesday. It was a beautiful day with a little bit of coolness in the air. We put fall flowers in the vase and we took pictures and we smiled and talked about them. We ate lunch at one of dad's favorite restaurants and we walked down memory lane.
Losing them was sad, but remembering them puts me in a happy place. They are with me daily in the things I see in nature, the music I hear, the experiences I go through, and the quotes I read.
Thank you September for reminding me of the change of seasons.



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