A beautiful sunrise, lunch at Silver Grill and a visit with the angels~

The sky was crazy orange the other morning. 
From my couch point of view I can see the sun come up through
the dining room window.

It was so orange and so pretty!

Kristin, Murray and I went to lunch at the Silver Grill and to the
cemetery to visit mom and dad and the little angels.

Life is way too short, I mean really short.
I miss mom and dad so much and their little ways of doing for others.
Why does god only give us years to be with each other and not longer?
Why is it we only appreciate things about our life when we get older?
Why must we grow older and forget things about our past?
Why do we have such a short time to complete the things we were
meant to do here on earth?
Why do things like illness and death take away our time with our loved ones?
It's a crazy world and life and I wish I new some of the answers.



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