Sam's club and Culvers~

Sunday, little boo was not having it.
We ventured as a family to Sam's club to do a little shopping and
she sat nicely in her cart until it was time to leave and
all she wanted was ice cream.
We thought we would go to Culver's for a butter burger and then
custard after.

She mostly played in her food and didn't eat a single bite.
Maybe one or two of my chicken, but didn't want anything
to do with her butter burger.

All she wanted was ice cream.
So she got it.
Vanilla custard.
I think she might have a little cold or just feeling the hustle of the season.
So after lunch it was home to their house for a nap.

Later that afternoon I was invited to the park to 
play with little boo on the slide.
She has mastered the climbing up to the top of the slide.
Ellie and Zoey played and romped in the grass and dead leaves.
Kent stayed home because his knee was bothering him.
I had a terrible day with my eyes and neck.
I tried to sew on my tree skirt, but I wasn't feeling it.
I tried to watch a movie, but that was hard.
I think I have a little cold also and I am wishing it away for the holidays.
Today will be a better day, I can feel it.

I totally understand how little boo felt on this Sunday.
I wasn't having it either.



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