Rewire your brain~

Ways to Rewire Your Brain...
1. play video games (what is a good one for my age?)
2. learn a new language
3. listen to music, better yet, make music
4. travel more, even if it's just to a little town in your area.
5. exercise (take a walk in a park)
6. art, even if you just doodling, make some art, it changes your brain.
7. reaching out to family and friends and laughing.
8. do for others, random acts of kindness
9. pray (let go and let god)
10. journal, write in a book, on your computer, smart phone or note pad. It helps you to get your thoughts out, and you can always look back and see how far you have come.
I find in this busy season of change and upcoming holidays, it is nice to have some un-holiday things to look forward to. I will always miss my mom and dad this time of year. I will have the memories of holidays in the past with them, and I will cherish them forever.

Missing their sweet faces.


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