We have grown separately without growing apart~

I haven't seen Shawn in over 10 years, I can't remember to be exact, but it's been
a long time.
Reconnected with her on Facebook and had brunch for the first time in 
She is divorced and getting ready to move to Utah for work.
I think she is ready to take on this new adventure with grace and style.
We had a nice couple of hour lunch and talked about life that 
has happened to us since the last time we were together.
Sadly I think this will be the last time I will see her for a really long time.
Our lives have drifted so far apart and are so different that when she comes back to Colorado ,
she will visit her friends from her recent past.
She was my roommate in x-ray school and my forever craft show friend.
I was in her wedding and she was in mine.
We would gather every year for a cookie exchange and brunch.
One day...that all stopped and we grew so totally apart.
I have missed having a good friend to pal around with.
Good luck Shawn in your new adventures.
You will do great and you will shine in your new state.



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