A walk down memory lane~

This picture wasn't taken on this day, but I love this photo of my parents.
I miss them so much and hate that their life was cut so short.
This passage was written in November of 2022.
I did a walk down memory lane and had time to remember all the good times.

November 13, 2022~
Yesterday, I ventured to Ft. Collins with my son. While he got his tattoo worked on, I took myself on a trip down memory lane. I haven't been back to FC since June.
No reason to really go there...
I drove past my old house, my old school, the mall I used to work at in high school (which is now gone), parked in downtown and walked the streets.
The weight of taking care of aging parents was removed from my shoulders. I had the freedom to take my time and see things and just be in the moment and not have to worry about getting back to the memory care unit and take care of mom and dad.
It was a cool, crisp day. I love those kind of days.
College Ave. was packed. FC has changed so much. New buildings everywhere. I took the side streets and enjoyed the flood of memories that came back with each passing street. I love FC and always will.
This coming Friday we will lay mom and dad to rest with the babies at the cemetery.
Angels watching over angels.
I had a dream about my dad the other night. He looked great!!! No Alzheimer's and no aging body...just dad. I know he will be very happy to know that he and mom will be with the babies and watching over them once again.
My trip down memory lane was so needed, and I am so glad I offered to drive Brent to his appt.
Have a great day and remember, if you can't physically drive down memory lane...close your eyes and drive there mentally.


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