A very busy day and a trip to the ER~

Kristin and I ventured to FC yesterday to put some greens on 
the angels grave.
I guess I was so busy getting my stuff ready in the morning, I forgot the
bouquet I bought for the angels.
So, we went to Bath and got some greens and they look so 
cute on the grave.

It has been a rather mild fall so far and so the grass is still 
kind of green and things are dry.

Here is an unclose picture of the greens.  So pretty!

Got my BP checked at BFP in the afternoon and I was telling Cathlyn about my
chest problems so they ordered an EKG which came back abnormal...yikes.
Went to the ER and had further testing done, but nothing showed up with my 
heart, only a few abnormal lab tests.
I will call the doc. today and see what the next step is in this process.
Didn't sleep well last night due to a racing mind so I am hoping tonight
I get some good rest.



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