comes another year! comes 2024~
I pray for strength to get through this year.
Good health, good friends, good memories and good faith.

Yesterday I got a card in the mail from Sue Fowler's son.
I knew right away that it was probably not a good sign.
And it wasn' see, she passed away last summer and I had no idea.
We had reconnected when we were both going through breast cancer.
We would keep in touch through letters and even met once
for lunch when we were both better.

Scott was able to find me from the Christmas card I sent to Sue.
Never in my wildest dreams did I think she had passed away when
I didn't hear from her.
I will go to her celebration of life on April 14th.

We took the dogs to the park yesterday and watched Drew drive Kinsley
around in her new car.

She got a new sack at Target and it had to come with her on the slide.

This little peanut loves her pa pop so much and I knew I needed
a picture of the 2 of them.

The smile on her face is priceless.

The car comes complete with a radio and she has figured out how
to turn it on.

All seat belted in and ready to go.

Hi little one, mammy loved you so much.

Hannah brought the baby over for just a little while cause it was 
windy and chilly.  
It was a nice was to spend a Saturday afternoon.
Kent and I had a nice lunch at ELF.  We both had breakfast for lunch 
and I was super full for the rest of the day.



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