Friday with Kinsley, a recliner nap and Christmas lights at Water World~

Yesterday we put on Miss Rachel Christmas and little boo loved 
watching her from her little table and chair.
She was busy cutting out stickers and little pieces of paper.
She loves Miss Rachel!

Mammy got her new shoes at the Carter outlet store and they 
fit her pretty well.  There is a little room for her toes to grow,
but she insisted on wearing them around the house.

Kent was gone pretty much most of the morning and 
Kinsley fell asleep in the recliner.
She slept there for 2 hours.

It must feel good and safe to sleep all curled up in the recliner.

I love this little cherub so much.

It was a tough day, but I managed to get through it.
We went out for Mexican food with the kids and then to the lights
at water world.  It was fun to watch her face while driving in the truck.
I was so in the moment that I didn't even get to take a 

Today we have a little snow and ice on the ground so it looks
like it might be a sewing day.



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