Friday with Kinsley, Walmart and a few photos~

Sunday, Kent and I went to the chicken place for lunch.
As always, the chicken was wonderful and Mark always
remembers us.  We have been going to this place for
almost 30 years.  Drew was just a baby when we first started
going to Wishbone.  
Such wonderful memories.

Sunday night while we watched Christmas movies, the dogs laid on my 
lap and snoozed for the duration of the evening.
It was really warm this weekend, no snow in the forecast for the next week,
I guess that's good so the travelers can make it to their destination. 

Kinsley on Fridays is so fun.  She was full of spit and vinegar  on Friday.
Non stop from the moment she hit the floor after her chocolate donut.

We ventured out to Walmart to buy Kent a Christmas shirt and
some eye drops and we stopped (at Subway) so she could have a corndog.
Some nice lady there complimented on how sweet and precious she was.

She really is a good girl and loves to walk along side the cart when we 
are shopping.

She came home and took a nice 2 hour nap and when she woke up,
I wanted to take some nice pictures of her.

These were are first attempt at getting photos.

So I said, let me be with you in the pictures and this made her smile.

Gosh I love this little girl and can't wait to meet her brother.



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