A visit with mom and Sunny got a bath~

Sunday, Kristin and I visited mom.  She is declining daily and today she was pretty quiet.
I  took a washcloth and gently washed her face.  I fed her a peanut butter cracker and
gave her some water to drink.  She followed the commands pretty well and
seemed to enjoy the crackers.
She is so crooked and has a hard time keeping her head up.
It's so sad.

We couldn't tell what she was trying to do here.  She would reposition herself, not sure
if she needed to go to the bathroom or was just trying to get comfortable.
She needs a hair cut and a good wash, but they are only giving her a sponge
bath since she can easily fall out of her chair when she is wet.

Tried to help her get her head up.  It is so heavy for her to 
manage it on her own.

Oh mom, if you want to go be with dad, you can.
We hate to see you like this.

I gave Sunny a bath on Saturday before our dinner party.
She always looks so pretty when she has had a bath.

The grass is starting to get a little green.  Spring arrived yesterday, however, we
are to get more snow today.
I am ready for the warmer weather to arrive and stay.



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