Isolation and missing those that are gone~

I loved going to the mountains with my family.

Missing Kent's parents today and missing my dad something awful.
I miss his warmth of a hug or holding my hand.
He would take us out for a donut or lunch, it was great.

I am in a slump.  Maybe it cause I really miss the good old days when 
I could go up to FC and spend the day with mom and dad.
Maybe it's missing spending time with the boys and
taking them to the park or a friends house or swimming.
I get in a funk like this sometimes when I find myself
doing so much for others and forgetting to pamper myself.
Today, Brent is bringing Max to stay the day while he goes to 
FC for a new tattoo on his let.  I don't mind taking care of Max, but
I won't be able to go out cause Kent really doesn't like Max and he is afraid of him.

I have my physical today.  I hate going to the doctor because I can never get
out of my mouth what is bothering me.  I can never find the words to describe
what I am feeling.  I don't want them to think it's all in my head.
These past 2 years have been really hard with the pandemic.  I miss the 
rec center so bad.  I miss my yoga friends and my time to pamper myself.
The mental part of living in a pandemic is real.  The isolation is the hardest.
I have enjoyed the times I have gone to FC to see mom, but even that is getting old.
It's so hard to see her like that.  I hate it!!!!
I have mixed feelings about going up tomorrow, I really don't want to go.
Is that being selfish or is that just taking care of my own mental health.

What happened to friends checking in on friends?  Are we all so busy that we can't
take a minute to check in on our friends and see how they are doing?
I really hate this isolation!!!

After my physical I am going to get a maple long john and enjoy it!
I will come home and love on Max and try to have a good day.
I will text Kristin and tell her to enjoy mom cause I am not going up to FC.
I need a break.



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