Saturday March 12...

It was so nice to see Brent yesterday.  He brought Max over so he could go get another tattoo on his leg.  I had my physical and will get an ultrasound on my thyroid to see if the nodules
are growing.
I had a weird day yesterday.  My eyes hurt and my stomach hurt.  I ate all the 
wrong things and tried to cry cause I miss my dad.  It made for a 
strange day.  
By the afternoon, I was feeling much better.  My shoes came, but they 
are too big.  Have to send them back...{:o(
I will venture out and do somethings I enjoy today.  
I chose not to go to FC to see my mom.  My heart isn't into it today.
Sometimes a break is needed to recharge and reconnect to what I love most.
The chart is to help me believe that I am a good person.  I have
to remind myself that I am enough.  
Tomorrow we are having lunch with Brent.  Love that kid.



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