A weekend of reflection and lunch with Brent~

This kid is the greatest.  Always ready to take a selfie and give a hug.

I will be the first one to say this past weekend was a tough one mentally.
I am having a hard time dealing with my dad's death and my mom's
diagnosis.  It is hard to see parents get old and die.
2 years ago we cleaned out their house and sold it.  Now I struggle with
doing it so fast.  I think about how they would feel knowing we gave 
away their prized possessions.  I look at my
things and think about what would happen to them
when I am gone.  Would anyone know how much I loved
collecting them?  Probably not.
So for now, I will enjoy them and use them and love them.

I question my upbringing and wonder how I ever made it through.

Racing mind...it's what keeps me up at night.

On a brighter note, had lunch in downtown Denver with Brent.
We ate at the Yardhouse.  It was a nice time.
I miss my boys so much.  Loved taking them places and doing things.
Now they are grown, one has a family of his own and the other
one will venture out and get married next year.
I now get the pleasure of taking care of my granddaughter, this is 
my world now, and I love it.



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