Life's teachable moments~Sunday with mom

I didn't sleep very well last night.  I was up after having stupid dreams.
What are dreams and why do we have them.
Cheri told me one time that they were the brains way of 
getting rid of garbage.  All the stored up things from the day get 
purged into out dreams.
I woke up at 3:12 and thought about life's teachable moments and 
the moments we are having with mom right now.
What in the world is God trying to have us learn by
keeping mom alive this past week.

We got the call on Tuesday that this was it.  Mom's decline was the final straw in
her ALZ trip.  We sat by her side for 6 days and she was not out the door.
She was not taken by Jesus and lead into heaven.
Papa and the rest of her family did not come down and take her 
hand and lead her into the promise land.
She slept, drank water, had Ensure and yogurt and was still with us for the 
Today starts a new day and she will be with us on this day and many to 
I pray to God to help me understand these teachable moments of 
lingering with this awful disease.  Why in the world would he let such a 
wonderful woman stay around?  We have told her she can 
let go and we will be fine and we will take care of things.
Does God really listen?  Does he really care about mom since there are so many
other things happening in the world?  Does one little person make
a difference in the life of others?  Is she a forgotten soul in the eyes of god?

Kristin combed her hair and I washed her face.  We fed her and she ate everything.
Will the staff continue to do this for her?  Are we prolonging her death by
giving her nourishment?  
I wonder why God doesn't give us a sign?  Something tangible to know that
the work here on earth with mom is done. 
I don't get it and I don't understand...

This is not my mom and this is not how she would want to ride out her later years.
I guess it's not our right to question why god does the things her does.
We just need to continue to have faith that the road he is leading us 
down in the proper road.  
Oh mom... what are these teachable moments you are teaching us?



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