One week since we got the call~

The end of March is happening and mom is still with us.
Her body has not shut down yet.  Things are still moving right along and
she is breathing and her heart is beating.
She is a strong lady and she is here for a purpose and why can't question why.
She will pass on her terms or probably Gods terms.

Brynn let mom wear the beads that she got made from dad's ashes.
Bringing mom closer to dad is heartwarming.  We pray that dad or someone
in her family with come down and safely lead mom to the promise land.
However, her time here on earth is not done yet.  
She is still being the mother hen.
Maybe she is waiting for...well, I don't know what she is waiting for.

On a happier note, this little one makes me laugh daily.  She is full of personality
and spunk and she loves new adventures.  I love watching her face when
she sees new things.

Today she had spaghetti, banana, cookie and cheese.  She enjoyed all of it. 
We went on a short walk because of the rain and she took a couple of good naps.

She saw this person jogging and she thought it was Drew.  She got so excited and
started her excitement scream.  It made me laugh.



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