The pink hat and a walk~

It was a beautiful day for a walk.
I think this time change has messed her up.
She took about a 20 minute nap in the morning.
We headed out to the park, touched trees and bushes and saw
my friend Michelle Torrez with 2 little dogs.
Kinsley loved them.

She didn't eat much today.  Had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for
lunch, but no snacks.

Kent took Sunny to the outlet stores and I think he wore her out.

She loves Daniel tiger.  Will stop everything to watch it.

My funk continues.  I am hoping it leaves soon cause I want 
to get back to some kind of normal.  My head swims with thoughts
of mom and dad.  I long for the days where everyone was healthy and Alzheimer's free.
I know that day won't come back, I just hate that mom has to suffer right now.
Again I ask why God has allowed this to happen in our family.
What teaching moment is coming from this?
I struggle...



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