I had a dream...the angel said your mom has passed~

I had the weirdest dream this morning.  I woke up out of a sound sleep to 
a little voice saying that my mom had passed.  It was so loud and
so real.  I reached for my phone and it was 3:11am.  
Needless to say, I couldn't get back to sleep.
No messages from Kristin, no messages from Murray, just a message
from a little angel.
I am taking today to run up to FC and see how mom is doing.
She took a turn yesterday and the hospice nurse put her into bed. 
Kristin, Brynn and Murray were there with her for the day.
I believe in little signs.
I prayed to God and dad that they would work together and take
mom so she could be with the rest of her family.
She has lived a wonderful, full life and now it is time for her
to be reunited with her other loved ones.
I will not find out if anything has happened to mom until later this morning.
It was just a vivid dream.
I pray again that mom will fly with the eagles.  She needs to, she wants to.
Take your wings and fly mom...

Murray moved out family picture lower on her wall so she could see the family.
I guess she looked at it for over an hour.



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