A call to Kristin, new shoes and blueberry face~

Yesterday was a good day...any day with Kinsley is a good day.
We went to the park early because the temps were going to 
get really warm, really fast.  She met a couple of friends, Scarlet and Sophie, and
played on the slide and swings.  By the time we left it was getting really warm.
Came home and had a snack and went down for a nap around 10.
Here she is talking to Kristin on the phone.  She loves Kristin!

When she got up from her nap I took her to Walmart and got her a new
pair of shoes.  She picked out the Mickey Mouse shoes and
was so excited to wear them. They light up when she walks.
I love the grin on her face with her new shoes on.

She kept them on all afternoon.  

Dinner was frozen blueberries and hamburger casserole .  
3 helpings of blueberries later and a very purple mouth, she was done.

I love the purple mouth and face!
Her daddy came over for dinner since Hannah is in Phoenix.

Purple cup to match the purple stain on her mouth and shirt.
It was a good Monday~



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