Monday with Kinsley~

She mastered the climbing wall.  Maybe she has done this with Miss Joyce,
but this is the first time she has done it with me.
We ventured out to play at the park before it got too warm.

For some reason she didn't want to do the slide.  Maybe memories of it 
being steep or hot, not sure.
She did however, like the little climbing wall.

She looked so cute and so grown up playing at the park.

We paused and took a selfie.

Being silly is always fun.

Hello pretty girl, mammy loves you so much.

Our meals consisted of lots and lots of blueberries.
She had a huge poop after kiddy camp and I am pretty sure
it was full of blueberries.
Hannah is gone this week so we had Drew and baby over for dinner.
Today I will let the dogs out halfway through the day and I will
pick Kinsley up from daycare around 3:30.
It's another hot day...
Happy Tuesday~



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