A good Saturday and a headache~

 What was the best thing that happened to you today~

Saturday I got up around 4:30, had my coffee and relaxed until I got 
ready to go to the ARC.
I enjoy going on Saturday mornings to check out the stuff.
I scored yesterday on a couple of tea towels, a new ice tea yeti kind of cup, 
and a new fanny pack that looks like it has never been used.
I then proceeded to Walmart to get some groceries to make
lasagna for dinner tonight.  Drew, Hannah and baby will join us.

We headed to Beth's around 10:30 to have a meet and greet with the dogs.
Augie stressed out the whole time and Sunny was a good girl and
was pretty good with her other dachshunds.
I am good with having Beth watch the dogs while we are gone. 
I think they will do fine after a few days.
God will watch over them.

I was able to place the bricks around the front tree to boarder the flowers.
It looks really nice and our new tree came on Friday.
It's a maple tree like the one in the backyard.
I watched Rainmaker on Showtime, long movie, but very 
Had a headache pretty much the whole day.  It was warm and 
the thunderheads were pretty spectacular.  Maybe it was pressure from 
the storms brewing.

Kent and I went to Panda Express for dinner.  I've had better.
Dinner wasn't too bad, but the service was less than desirable .
Came home and walked the dogs to potty and sat outside 
with my feet in the little pool.
Tried to watch tv again before bed and my headache made it impossible
to enjoy so it was lights out at 8:30.
Woke up way too early, came out and had coffee and the dogs joined
me at 3:45am.

I am so thankful for my life and my family and my pets.
I pray for great weather to travel on Thursday.
I pray for great travel and no delays at the airport.
I pray Brent and Noelle make it to our house in time on Thursday to
get to the airport on time.
I pray my headache does not appear again and I will have a 
fantastic trip.
I pray for great weather in Minocqua and our stay at the cabin
in fantastic.
No sickness, no delays, no dog issues and no health issues.
Thank you god~


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