A poem for my mom and dad.
I know how you both started your day when I was a little girl.
I am pretty sure it was with great gratitude.
You both were always so thankful for your dear friends and your family.

10 ways I remember my mom and dad~

1.  Always be a friend, my mom used to say to me over and over again...you have to be
a friend to have a friend.  
My parents had the biggest network of friends.  Neighbors, work friends, school friends,
church friends and so on, and they were the best friends of all with each other.
2.  You taught me how to save money.  Whenever we would get birthday or Christmas
money, you would have me put half of it in the bank.  I hated it when I 
was little, but I grew to appreciate it when I got older.
3.  You never said a harsh word or yelled at me.  Your lessons were subtle.  It might have
been "that look" or the disappointment in your voice, but you never yelled.
For that I am so thankful and I carried on the tradition with my children.
4.  The love you had for nature was amazing.  You both enjoyed working 
in your garden and sharing your harvest with friends.
Mom, your flower bouquets were always so pretty in the house.
You had a way of cutting fresh flowers and arranging them so nicely.
Dad, your fresh salads were always a dinner staple.  Fresh lettuce, radishes, cucumbers,
peppers and tomatoes, and of course, the best ranch dressing in the world.
5.  Taking friends and family to the mountains happened all the time.
If we weren't staying at a cabin, we were staying in the camper.
Five of us in a tiny camper was really interesting.
As a little girl I remember so vividly hiking up Little Rocky and
other fun places around Allenspark.  Going on picnics up Poudre Canyon was
another favorite place to visit.
You always treated company like family, and you would pack everyone up and 
off to the mountains we would go.
6.  Family first.  Neither of you ever missed an event with our family.  
You were always there, always supportive, always present,  and always proud.
In your later years you were always at your grandchildren's events.
I will never forget the times you came with me to chemo.  You both
wore your pink and were so grateful for the kindness I received during my cancer
7.  You dresses to the 9's.  Always put together and always classy.
My most favorite memories of the past few years were going to 
Morning Star and cutting your hair and dressing you up for the day.
When we could, we would take you out for lunch or shopping or to the
park.  We also took pride in how you looked and I loved that.
8.  You loved to help your kids.  No matter what the project, you both
jumped in with both feet.  Hanging pictures, cleaning windows, shining silver for
the holidays, fixing meals, watching the grandchildren, snow blowing the
cul de sac, helping at the church...there was never a project that was too big
or too small, you helped with them all.
9.  Homemade is best.  We all benifited from having your pies, soups, breads, kraut
burgers, jello salads, potato salads, Lynn burgers, German chocolate cake, and so on. 
You loved a good pot luck and we all loved your contributions to the meal.
Mom, you were always ready to take a meal to a friend in need and it 
was always homemade.
10.  You spread Joy everywhere.  
I have learned to love and to find Joy in everything thanks to you. 
 I love following in your footsteps.  I use your life lessons daily, and
I am so thankful I got to spend so much time with you.
The kindness you showered on everyone will
be greatly missed.  
We will remember what you have taught us.
We can move forward and hope that the memories we have of you
will forever be etched in our minds.
You were loved so much.
Thank you~




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