Friday ~

Kinsley playing puzzle with me.

Yesterday was a tough day physically.
My head, sinuses and neck were really bothering me.
Kent played golf and Kinsley was a jewel.
She played in the morning until we drove to chick fil a, came
home and had lunch and I put her down for a nap.
She slept for about 1 1/2 hours and woke up and we played
I could not get rid of my headache and neck pain.
I hate when I feel this way.  Such a lost day.
Hannah picked her up around 2:30 and from that moment on, 
I rested eyes and watched a movie on Netflix.
Kent got home from golf and was more concerned about the dogs
than my day which really made me ad.
Went in the bedroom around 6:50 and turned the lights out around 7:20.
I am hoping today will be better.  We are having the kids over for
lunch and I am praying I feel better to entertain.
I hate this feeling, hate it with a passion.
Not sure why I have it, but I am ready to be done with it.



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