Walker, Kinsley, and a nice week for the end of January~

The things that mean the most to me these days are my kids and grands.
I love seeing them and I love being with them.
I got Kinsley new/used dinosaurs at the thrift store and she loved them.
I forgot to take a picture of her playing with them, but I will the next time I 
see her.
Baby Walker is growing up and filling out.  He is the sweetest baby and 
I love how he snuggles on your chest.  Here he is snuggling on Drew.

Kinsley and Kent were reading the Disneyland book that the kids got
me for my birthday.  It's funny how we all want to go back and enjoy
the park again.

I got my eyes checked this past week and had breakfast with Kristin.
Monday I had Kinsley and we all went to the zoo.  Tuesday an eye appointment, Thursday I got  my hair cut, and
Friday with Kinsley again.  
Today we have rain which is good because it has been so dry out.
Hopefully it will wash the dust and dirt from our driveway.
Yesterday afternoon, Kent and I went to ELF for dinner.  I had a Cubano sandwich,
and Kent had a smothered greenehili  hamburger.

I miss not having Brent and Noelle live closer.  Sometimes I just want to 
talk to them and see them without a long drive.



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