Riding the bike and Kinsley and baby Walker~

I have enjoyed riding the stationary bike for the past month.
It is so good for me to get out of the house and do
something besides siting in the recliner.
I have pretty much gone 3 days a week and need to increase to 4 days.
All in good time.

Kent and I got to watch the kids last night while the adults went to 
the Cheesecake Factory for dinner.

I think Walker was really warm in his fleece jammies.
He gets little red cheeks when he is over heated.

Such a cute moment when Kinsley kissed his head.

He has the cutest little chubby belly.

Hello Walker, you are so cute!

Between the dogs and Kinsley, we had a lot of things out.

He finally fell asleep on me for about 20 minutes.



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