Saturday snow, thrift store, Sunday fog and rec center~

Saturday started out with rain and ended with snow.
I headed out to the thrift store around 8:00am and so did everyone else.
I was able to find 4 white plates for my valentine's dinner party.
I was shocked to see a whole row of precious moments at the thrift store.
There must have been hundreds of them.
Someone's collection for sure.

The rain made for ice on the side walk.  Kent shoveled the dogs a 
path.  It was a very wet and heavy snow.
Sunday we had fog, but when the sun came out, it melted the
streets and gave wonderful moisture to the grass.

I made rolls on Saturday to have with our potato soup.  Both were 
very delicious. 

Little boo played in the snow while Drew shoveled his driveway and sidewalks.
She is the cutest thing I have ever seen.

Sunday I watched Walker for a couple hours, and Kent and I went to the
rec center and I rode the bike while he walked.
We had the kids over for Chinese food and Gina delivered our
Girl Scout cookies to us in the evening.
It was a very nice day.



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