Tuesday with Walker~

I love when I get the pleasure of watching Walker.
He snuggles right in and takes a nap and Sunny and sometimes
Augie have to be right up in his business in the chair.

Yesterday the kids ran 7 miles and Walker slept the whole time they were gone.
He looked so handsome in his little Jammie sleeper.

Nothing like a sweet little baby to nibble on.

Augie is the sweetest little dachshund.
He loves to go on walks and sit in the chair with me when I watch tv.
He barks at the fence at the dogs on the other dies.
He eats his food so fast you can't even time it.
He sits right next to me on the couch every morning.
He loves treats and loves to go on walks to the park.

Oh Augie, I am so glad we have you.

Feb. 19th was Paisleys birthday.
She turned 10 and is growing up to be such a pretty young lady.
Mom and dad adored her.  They played with her and read to her and
just loved on her.
Oh mom and dad, I miss you so much!



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