Valentines Day~

February 14th~
Happy Valentine's Day from the dachshunds!!!
We took the dogs on an evening walk to the park and they loved
smelling all the other dog smells.

I ran to Sam's club yesterday (14th) to get my glasses, and then to the rec center to 
ride the bike and then Kent and I ate lunch at Panda Express for 
a nice Valentine's Day.
The rest of the afternoon was spent in the recliner putting a warm compress on 
my eyes.  Usually after a snowstorm, my eyes take the brunt of the mag chloride and
the dust and dirt on the streets.
Many eye drops later and warm compresses, they felt a little better.

Picking chicken out of his teeth is always a must.

My sweet little princess on Valentines.

Kinsley and Walker.  Such sweet loves!



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