15 months old and playing with her bapples~

She calls them her bapples.  She loves to find them in the backyard.
She will go over to the bucket and pick out one.
It usually has a bite or 2 taken out of it, but she doesn't care.
She loves her bapples.

She was officially 15 months yesterday.
She is growing up so quickly and is so smart.
She is nonstop, in motion all the time and fun to chase around the house.
She loves Sunny and to go for walks.

I love this little peanut with all my heart and love taking care of her.

Feeding Sunny pieces of cat food is her favorite.

When we walk to the park, we stop by the little garden area and touch the flowers.

Sunny will be getting a friend tomorrow.  Murray and I will be driving
to Nebraska to get Augie.  God give me strength to bring another puppy
into this family.
I am so happy.



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