Bumps in my road~

 You always have the choice to be happy. Learn to understand the purpose of bumps in the road, grow from them and stay positive.

"Use your struggles and frustrations today to motivate you rather than annoy you. You are in control of the way you look at life. Be mindful." — marcandangel

"Maybe it won't work out. But maybe seeing if it does will be the best adventure ever."

My past couple of days have been really hard.  I question
my choices of things I have done and wonder if I have made the
right decisions.  I wish someone would have told me 
about this thing called life.  I wish I was warned about
how to handle conflict.  Now when I need is most, my parents
aren't here to ask for advice.
I wonder if I would even ask them for advice.  I wonder if
they would shelter me from the storms or just say
"move through the storms Susan".
I pray that the choices I have made are the right ones.
If they are not, I pray I learn the lesson it is teaching me.
Why can't I just move through life swiftly and gracefully?
Why does every life lesson need to be hard with a little bit of easy?
Please God, protect me and my family and help me to 
see the whole picture now and in the future.
Please protect my marriage and guide me to 
the relationship I should have.  I am willing to work hard.




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