August is on it's way out~

The last day of August 2022.  So many things happened this past summer and 
quite a few in August.
The first part of August found Kent sick with covid, he spread it to me who 
spread it to Murray.  We also gave it to Kinsley, Brent and Noelle.
Most of the first part of the month was spent getting better from 
this virus.  
August 5th, Murray and I drove to Chadron to pick up Augie.
He has really been a fun puppy, I am so glad we got him.
I am totally busy taking care of Kinsley and Augie.
We waited patiently for baby Charlee to make her appearance.  
We thought she would come on Brynn and Spencer's birthday, but she
came on August 22, 2022.
Becoming a new mommy has proved to be a challenge for Kathryn.  
No one can ever prepare you for this experience.  It's hard, but totally worth it.
The mornings have been cool and the afternoons hot.  Around this time
of year, I long for the coolness of the days and nights.  I will embrace the
next few months as we will be having Brent, Max and Noelle move back in with us.
Our year end will be full.
Booked a room in Estes Park over Thanksgiving.  Looking forward to that.
September 16th we will drive to Newton to bury mom and dad.
It will be a short trip and there will be lots of family there to visit.
We have come full circle with the death of my dad.  So sad still to this
day to think of him going downhill fast with this disease.
Goodbye August...Hello September.



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