One week with Augie, one week with covid and lots of 90 degree days~

Ah Sunny, you look so pretty sitting in the chair.
I love our outdoor time until it gets really hot.

Augie found that playing with bapples was kind of fun.
Missing Kinsley this week due to the covid virus, but she will be back on Monday.

One week with Augie and I really love this little guy.
He makes me laugh.

It has been in the 90's for sometime now.  I am ready for a cool down, but in 
the mean time, I will soak my feet in the sled and enjoy the shade
on the patio.
My last day of meds was yesterday.  I am feeling ok.
Woke up this morning stuffy.  Having what feels like
a hot flash is pretty weird.
I am ready for my body to be back to my normal.



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