A walk to the park and sitting with Papa~

Yesterday was a hard day in the morning.
Between Kent, Kinsley and the new puppy, my nerves were shot.
I knew Kinsley was going to need a change of scenery so after her 
morning nap, we headed on a walk.
We walked to the school and around the park and back home.
35-40 minutes of a walk.
She was centered and I was centered.  

I can always tell when she arrives how our day is going to be.
Sometimes she is just tired or bored and needs to 
go on a walk.

She is such a love bug and growing so much.
I love this little one.

Papa went and got her from her 2nd nap of the day.
She loves her papa and sat on his lap for a little while.
She loves to watch cocomelon and lulu kids.
We had In and Out burgers for dinner.
It started out a rough day and ended a pretty nice day.



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