Impact of kindness, missing mom and dad, maybe a new baby today~

Good Monday Morning.
Kathryn might have her baby today.
She went in yesterday to be induced and to takes awhile to get things moving.
Such a pretty date to have a baby.
This morning I had a few anxiety moments in bed.  Haven't had those in awhile.
Not sure what triggered them. 
I wake every night between 1-3 and sometimes I just lay in bed waiting
for Augie to stir so I can take him outside.
I pray I will go back to sleep, but it usually doesn't happen.
When it does, it's not a restful sleep.
So much on my mind lately.  Thinking about our trip to Kansas and 
wondering what it will be like to have cousins together again after
many years.
My mind doesn't shut off at night.  I guess I got this from my dad.
He was an early riser.
My mom on the other hand could sleep through anything.
Today I have Kinsley.  Drew is going to Wyoming.
Today will be a good day.  I will be kind and show love to all I meet.
I long to go to the mountains.  I miss the cool breezes and the fresh air.
Maybe this weekend Kent and I and the puppies can go up for the day.
I miss mom and dad and I miss my time in FC.



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