Monday and Tuesday and constant motion~

This little one is in constant motion.  Never sits still.  I would love to be able
to sit and read with her, but she moves and moves and moves.
Unlike my boys that loved to sit and read books with me, oh how I miss that.
I am sure the world is so interesting that she needs to touch it and feel it
and just be in the motion moment.

Monday and Tuesday we went to the rec center to get some of her
wiggles out.  Not too bad at the beginning cause there were just a few 
children there, but oh boy, half way through the rest of the noisy troups
came in and it was loud.
She ate her peanut butter crackers and had some water and we left.

Came home and had a little lunch and it was time for a nap.

Not sure if she liked grammy's oatmeal cookies, I think she just hung on to it.

Today, august 3, this little peanut is 15 months old.



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