10 inches of the white stuff~

Woke up this morning to about 10 inches of freshly fallen snow.  

Shoveled a path for Sunny to do her business.

Patio furniture...pretty deep.

I see blue sky.  The warm up is on and the melting is happening.

Yesterday I spent the afternoon sewing Easter towels.

I will sew today and complete the rest of the group of towels.

I did 50 minutes on the bike, 5 minutes on some kind of elliptical and 12 minutes on the rowing machine.

Good Thursday Morning.  A big snowfall and things are canceled...that's what today has in store.
I have a doctor's appointment at 9:30 this morning, we will see how the roads are 
and if I need to cancel.  We got about 10 inches of snow so far.  It is light
and fluffy and not hard to shovel, but it might be slick.
Schools are canceled and the rec center will open at 10am.
I guess for all safety purposes, it is best to stay inside.
I will sew and sew and sew. 

Enjoy your snow day!!



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