Reinvent yourself~

My uncle Dave and his girlfriend Jeannie. 
He found love again after my aunt passed away.
Dave passed away 11/19/2020 and Jeannie just pasted away
January 22, 2021 from cancer that had spread to her lungs.
Finding love and happiness in their golden years is heartwarming.

We should always remember this. 
On this cold and snowy Sunday I soaked my mask as I worked out.

Our mountain range, so blue so bright and so beautiful.

I am stuck.  Trying again to find my passion and my place in this world.
I struggle sometimes with my thoughts and my future.  
Who am I and why in the world am I here.

I cruised around facebook to  look at pages from people I haven't heard from in awhile.
I stumbled into Jeannie's page and found out she had passed away in January.
I was shocked and surprised to find that her cancer had spread to her
lungs and she immediately went into hospice and passed away a week later.
From reading about her she was a wonderful lady, full of adventure and excitement
in her later years.
She had a passion for life and wasn't going to let Covid or cancer bring her down.
My uncle passed away in November and I wonder if his passing was too much for her
to endure.  
She found love again in her late 80's and cherished every moment with Dave.
Rest in peace Dave and Jeannie.  May you both be reunited with your spouses in
heaven and may you have a wonderful gathering together with your lost family and friends.

 Today I will take the steps to reinvent myself.  I will move forward and become the
person I was meant to be.  I will walk in faith and let God move my feet.
Whatever life has instore for me, I will embrace.
Good Monday morning~



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