Easter tea towels~

Did 7 miles on the bike and a mile on the treadmill.  Feb. is coming to an end.  
Snow on the ground and a crisp blue sky.
I picked up Noelle at the hospital and she spent the day with us.
I did get some sewing done and faces put on the bunnies.

Some of the finished products.

I had a terrible night sleep last night.  Why is it when you lay down and close your eyes,
every thought you ever had appears in hour head?  Ugh~
I finally drifted off about 1am and slept until 5:30.
It was a full moon last night.  Maybe that's why I couldn't sleep.
Here's to a productive Saturday.
Tomorrow we will celebrate Hannah's birthday.
2 months until the baby is due.  I can't wait.



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