I lost one whole year~

Monday Memories~

Sunday Memories~

Good Morning and welcome to Tuesday the 9th of Feb.  January seemed to breeze by quickly.  After losing a whole year (2020) this year is moving.  When I look back on 2020, I think about all the things I should have done with the time I was given, but somehow I didn't really accomplish much.  
The visits to mom and dad were cut short and only happened once every few months.  The cleaning of the basement did not happen...even tho I had the disabled vets pick up 3 times, I still have a lot to work on in the basement.  Why is it when we are given a time chunk to get things done we continue to put off those things for a later date?
Yesterday I went to a new eye doc.  She was very nice.  She recommended an eye mask so I ordered one off of Amazon.  She also gave me an eye ointment for night and new eye drops.  I would really like to have normal eyes that don't sting and aren't red.  My goal for this year to to take better care of my eyes and make sure they continue to get better.  
My prayers go out to Noelle...she is struggling right now mentally.  Seems there are a lot of people having a hard time during this covid season.  I pray that she gets the help she needs and the medication to help with her depression.  
I just might start some flowers in the bedroom upstairs.  I need some green in my life right now.



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