Covid shot #2~

It has been very cold here for the past few days.  Friday, Kent and I ventured out to DU to get our 2nd covid shot.  The Temperature was about 7 degrees and thank goodness they has us in the event center.  My side effects were a little more this time.  Low grade fever and a headache.  Nothing that I couldn't handle with a little advil and some rest.

We have the dogs this weekend and I have to say they have really been good.  The temp this morning was -8 and they all did well going outside to do their business.  I did have to go pick up Sunny cause her feet got cold.  Max and Walter did very well.

Today Kent starts his prep for his colonoscopy tomorrow.  I pray he is able to keep the stuff down and have a successful outcome of his procedure.

The kids come home from Estes this afternoon so I booked a 2:00 appt. at the rec center to ride the bike.



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