A busy girl, spaghetti, the dogs and a sunflower~

She is a busy girl.
Always on the move.
Always doing something.
Pushing Dolly in the stroller and using a pencil.
She makes me tired...ha!

She has learned to climb on the chair and get anything that is on the table.
Anything within reach.
As...never ending business.

The dogs love sitting in the sun.
Warm days and cool nights.  Fall is in the air.

Oh Augie...you are so sweet and cute.

He loves to chew on this rug that sits under Scrappy's chair.
The other day, he pulled a big piece of fabric out.

Sunny is getting better at loving on him.  They play so well together.

He had a small piece of grass stuck to his mouth.
Silly dog will chew on anything.

I made Kinsley spaghetti for lunch.  She made me laugh when she 
sucked the noodle up into her mouth like a grown up.
She is a good eater. 

I found Teletubbies on TV.  She lasted about 10 minutes watching them.
That's good, about 10 minutes of sitting.
We are working on looking at books.  This one is a hard one for her.

She watched the Teletubbies and sat still.  It was a win win!

September is upon us and this will be a busy month.
We plan on taking mom and dad back to Kansas in a couple of weeks.
It is time to lay them to rest as we have done all we can do for them.
Sometime in the near future we will also bury them in FC with the babies.
There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of them so see
something that reminds me of them.
A sunflower, feather, tomato, penny, sounds, sights, butterfly and smells.
Everything is a reminder that they are close by.
Oh how I miss my Friday visits up in FC.  This month marks one year
since dad passed.  We had a great visit with them on Sept. 10th, 2021 and shortly
after that he got sick and never regained his health.
Thank you God for sending me signs that they are watching over me.
I love and miss you mom and dad.  Continue to visit me.



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