Peanut is staying with us for a few days and my tooth~

Peanut is back and I have her for a few days and nights.
Her mommy and daddy are in Cancun and they will be home on 
She was a good girl yesterday.  Full of energy and so fun.
We went on a couple of walks and played in the backyard.
She had a nice bath and sat on her papa's lap for one book.

Today I hope to take her to the outlet mall
and walk around there.
It is the 28th of September and the month is almost over.
I had a bad night sleep last night.
Woke up at 10:30 and couldn't get back to sleep forever.
Finally did and had one of those anxiety filled wake up dreams.
Gosh...will I ever be normal and sleep like a normal human.
This insomnia thing is for the birds.  I hate it.
Also...tooth is still hurting and I am so ready to be over it. 



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