Alz...I miss my parents~

Looking back on the past few years and wondering how I made it through the
whole Alz process.  Losing mom and dad to the disease many years ago, 
and not knowing what they were enduring, has made for a difficult time.
I did my best to make sure I went and saw them often.  They might not
have remembered who I was, but I sure remember who they were.
It's coming up on a year since dad's death.  How sad to leave the earth
in such an awful way.  He was surrounded by his children, but
he couldn't talk to us.  
I love this picture of our family at the Alz walk last year.  We had our flat Papa
paper dolls and the love for mom and dad was evident.
The walk this year will be in Boulder.  We may not all be able to walk this year, 
but the love and support will still be there.
I miss the social enjoyment of seeing mom and dad.
I miss the joy.
I miss them so much.
Today, I will do things that bring me joy.
I will sew and go shopping and take the dogs out.'s so important. 



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