Masking tape and a little taste~

A very hot, hot, hot September 1st.  We stayed inside all day cause it was hot.
We played, tried to read books, watched Teletubbies and she napped.
Papa was playing golf so the house was quiet.
I love when the house is quiet.  No loud phone calls.

I taped paper down on he highchair so she could draw.  She is interested in the tape
and the pencil and crunching up the paper.

Using her senses to check out the tape.  Tasting is a big thing...ha.

Oh how I love this girl.  Always making me smile.
She is growing.  I notice it everyday.
We are working on sitting for a few minutes to read books.
Right now she is busy investigating her surroundings.

September is a hard month.  We pray for cooler weather, but it seems summer
likes to hang on and give us a run for our money.
It will be in the 90's for the weekend and part of next week.
Today Augie gets his parvo shot.  Hopefully we can take him to the 
farmers market on Sunday.
I want and need to go to the mountains this weekend.  Haven't been all summer.



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