Stitches, Kinsely and chocolate cake and a bend in the road~

After 8 days of stitches in his finger from cutting it with a steak knife, the 
stitches came out on Monday.
Now if we can just get his back to feel better.

I made a chocolate cake on Monday for our Labor Day picnic.
I love having the kids here to eat.
We are cruising right along in Sept.  The temps have been crazy high.
Yesterday it hit 98 degrees.
I don't like it that hot in Sept.  

Kensley and I were outside for a little while.
She likes to pick up apples and dog toys.

Everything goes into her mouth.

She ate well.  After lunch I gave her some chocolate cake.

Pretty sure she loved it.

I get a picture of Charlee every once and awhile.  She looks like she is changing daily.

After Kinsley's afternoon nap, she sat next to Kent and red her book.
I love moments like this.

Life without parents is confusing.  I know years ago it was hard and impossible
to talk to them about anything.  Their memories were fading and their speech
was going.  Now with them gone it is hard to figure out how to navigate
through tough situations.  I don't have anyone to ask questions to.  My sources
are gone.  Yes I can pray to them, but it's not the same.
I know this bend in the road is here for awhile.
I just need to move on with my life, but it's hard when I don't feel good.
My head continues to feel like I have a pressure band across my forehead.  
I am tired of being tired and trying to figure out what is wrong.
Tired of explaining to a doctor what I am experiencing.
Why can't god just take it away or better yet, give me ways to deal with it.
Please...god, take it away!!! 



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