Suzy Homemaker oven~

Yesterday, I went to the basement and got my Suzy Homemaker oven for Kinsley
to play with.
I loved that oven as a little girl.  Mom would let me make fried bologna and sometimes
cake in it.
I removed the light bulb so she can just play pretend with it.
I need to find some little pots and pans for her to play with also.
I am off today and need to get some stuff done before next week.
Kent will be gone and it will just be me and the dogs for 4 days.
I have clothes of Kinsley's that need to be put in a to go box for Kathryn.
I have things in Drew's room that need to be moved before Brent and Noelle
move back in with us.
I find myself wanting to change the seasons in my house like my mom did.
Maybe today I will bring some fall things up and decorate a little.
Getting back to normal...that's what I need to do.



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