My little pizza and the wasps catcher, and the redo root canal~

Drew wants me to make Kinsley a pizza costume for Halloween.
I would love to.
Here is Drew at age 3 or maybe 4 with his Halloween pizza on.
Love my boys so much!!!

Catching the wasps continues on.
The honey water is almost gone and now they dehydrate themselves.
Seems like an inhumane way of getting rid of wasps, but
I hate them in my yard and I am afraid they will sting Kinsley.

So for now, they are attracted to the honey water.
Goodbye wasps.  

On another note, I had my root canal redone yesterday.
My appt. was at 10:00am and I was out by 10:40.
I pray this fix of putting an antibiotic in the tooth will resolve the problem.
My body likes to hang on to inflammation.  Not sure why, but my healing
process takes awhile.
We took the dogs to Jax and they walked around and enjoyed meeting new
people.  We will try to take them out again today.
The weather has finally gone below 90 degrees.  I would love it even cooler, 
but all in good time.
Kristin has been watching Charlee at the Gaylord while Kathryn has her conference.
Murray and his family have been doing the garage sell thing.
Life goes on without mom and dad, but it sure feels different.



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